and in any system of classification, to place the adjec- tive before the noun it modifies such as, "green grass", "corporate lawyer", "plastic surgeon", etc. In each case the noun is the important classification and the adjective describes the special case. Since the two broadest class- ifications into which the human race can be divided, ually speaking (after male and female of course), are hetero- and homo- sexual, these words should be used as the noun and subsidiary and less important factors should be used as adjectives i e. "transvestic homosexual" or "transvestic masochist" etc.
Because of this confusion in the use of the word trans- vestite a new term should be set up which is more descrip- tive of what has previously been termed a "true" transvest- ite. I should like to put forward the words FEMINIPHILE and FEMINIPHILIA and to define them as follows: Feminiphilia, is a condition in which an anatomically and physiologically normal male who is heterosexually oriented feels driven to partake of all things feminine as an expression of his inner personality needs. Such a person, known as a Femini- phile, enjoys dressing in feminine attire, using full fem- inine wardrobe including brassiere, high heels, lingerie, jewelry and makeup; acting in feminine ways, and using fem- inine mannerisms; and in general being seen and accepted by others as a feminine personality. The word derive from the Latin root femina-of or pertaining to woman, and the Greek root philia--loving or love of--therefore Love of the Femiinine! Note that the definition above specifically eliminates homosexual persons, fetishists and masochists. ((Ed. Note: This word Feminiphile is a word belonging to TV's alone and I would welcome comment pro and con upon it and better suggestions if you can make one.)))
Now a word needs to be said about "change of sex" operations. I am sure that practically every feminiphile (FP formerly TV) who opened the paper the morning that Christine first hit the headlines experienced a very tense feeling in the pit of his stomach. A mixed feeling of in- tense envy, admiration and fear. I certainly did. was a person who had, by drastic means to be sure,
Here turned